The Reason Why People “Like” But They Don’t Comment

Interesting post here on why people ‘like’ but don’t always comment. (I’m not sure where ‘reblogging’ sits in this situation…?)

I think there are some valid ideas here in what makes people comment more than like, or do nothing at all. The only one I find that stops me commenting is when I follow blogs which aren’t WordPress and get into the horrible ‘sign in’ to comment thing, which has deleted my lengthy comments or requires me to set up a load of new user stuff just to comment back on something I found interesting…

What do you think, commenter, liker or invisible reader… which are you?

The Golden Lands

I’ve been seeing a lot of blogs recently where the authors have a MAD following.  I sigh and drool and faint whenever I see how many followers these people have.  They average at LEAST 40 likes a post.

But they also average MAYBE 2-3 comments a post.


These people have 5,000+ followers.  Some have 20,000+ followers.  Why is no one commenting?


Let’s be honest.  Everybody likes to get Liked.  But I think we can agree that when people take the time to comment, this feedback means way more to us.  Because it’s easy for people to click the Like button, but it takes effort to comment.  And that means they are taking us seriously and actually paying attention.  We like comments more than Likes.

The question is then: What makes people comment?


Sig and Armstrong

You might have a huge following, but if you don’t have a sense of personality

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2 thoughts on “The Reason Why People “Like” But They Don’t Comment

  1. morganas book box

    I’m a HUGE fan on commenting and will leave comments whenever I can. Because why not, you know? When someone opens a discussion / publishes their thoughts they’re inviting people to engage. You get the opportunity to interact with likeminded people. A simple like isn’t engaging. It’s (mostly) a superficial act of recognition. Sure, I appreciate likes but u appreciate comments more. They do give me the feeling that someone paid attention. Great post. 😃

  2. Pingback: Book Discussion: To “Like” Or To Leave A Comment? – Morgana´s Book Box

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