Tag Archives: deadlines

Tick tock, tick tock

The cogs in my brain are busily turning as I try to get to the end of the editing / proof-reading process with Balik’s story, before sending it away to the lovely people who’ve offered fresh eyes on the book, before I push out ARCs and then final official release. Unfortunately, my self-imposed deadline of ‘summer 2012’ has slipped a little – mainly due to a very busy period in my non-writing, working-life – the chaotic period has hopefully now drawn to a close, giving me the final concentrated time I need to put the finishing touches to Balik’s tale and move on to Outlanders, which has been hovering in the background for a good while now.

I’ve really enjoyed being in Balik’s head since April time, when I began ‘serious’ work on my old drafts of RMT. Even though the story is somewhat familiar to Cassie’s in Hope’s Daughter, it has been important to fill in the gaps of who he is and how he came to be the person that Cassie meets. When I began writing The Rainbow Maker’s Tale, I didn’t really know everything about Balik and so this has been a learning experience for me too. He’s a tough little cookie – but still a yummy cookie 🙂

I hope you’re looking forward to seeing more of Balik before the story continues in Outlanders, there’s a lot that Cassie didn’t know…she’s not the only one who can keep secrets.