Tag Archives: Keeping going

Week One – Done!

Too many ideas It was about this time last year in NaNoWriMo world, that I had a bit of a crisis, stopped writing anything and basically sat on the fence umming and ahhing about what I was actually going to write.

This year – because I’m working on a familiar story, that’s been in the works for a L-O-N-G time – I’ve thankfully dodged this bullet, for week one at least! Progress wise, I’ve been doing pretty well – nearly 15k words for the first week, which is a great start, but I also have to remind myself that I am deadline queen, which means that I tend to ease off, thinking I have lots of time to do nice interesting things….then have a mad panic when I realise I’ve tried to squeeze in a little too much.

So today, I’m carrying on – hopefully a few good, undisturbed hours in the library will help move me along and set me up for next week, when I know I won’t have as much time to dedicate to writing. But, in the meantime….

but first, tea (ssshhhh, don’t tell anyone!)




Need Inspiration…?

Need some inspiration today?

Need some inspiration today?

Just read this interesting post on Bookbaby, which might help you if you’re looking for some inspiration today. (Click the picture above to go through to the blog page and read the article).

My usual tips are the same as their no. 1… Just do it! Write, write, write then write some more 🙂 trying to get away from distractions can be tough, but maybe try some of the other tips here and see how far you get! And with NANOWRIMO around the corner, maybe you could use that to give a kick-start to your project.

Now, if only I could follow my own advice! 😉